Global Business Directory
Pakistan Export Strategy

Vision Providing Leadership, Direction, Pro and Re-active Facilitation, to an aggressive national drive for maximization of sustainable growth of Pakistan's Foreign Trade.

Preamble Based on an evaluation of the world demand of goods and services, the Strategy aims to prioritize those where Pakistan has or can achieve a competitive edge, sourced from within or outside Pakistan and facilitate the achievement of the desired levels of profitable exports via a 'demand led' Strategy, as opposed to the previous 'supply led' efforts. The 7-point Strategy is as follows:

Mission Statement

  • Whilst retaining undivided focus on increase in share of world imports of Pakistan’s Core Products categories, achieve earliest and maximum Product and Geographic Diversification.

  • Adoption of the concept of world class Supply Chain management / facilitation for comprehensive dealing with the production efficiencies and on time delivering capabilities (as opposed to just “manufacturing capacity” or “warehousing” or “coordination with PCSIR”.

  • Active excellence in communication capability both to promote products and services and the overall business image of Pakistan and the understanding / appreciation of the services of the EPB.

  • Prioritization and focus will govern allocation of available personnel and financial resources for optimizing efficiency.

  • Achieve maximum market access to enable exporters to maximum returns of their efforts.

  • Ensure an export-enabling environment in the country and amongst our Missions abroad.

  • Manpower trained and incentives to levels appropriate to the commercial and business profile of the organization.
Core Values
  • High level of efficiency and customer orientation, both pro and reactive, responding promptly to stakeholder needs.

  • “Focused and prioritized” efforts, as opposed to pursuing commercially desired flexibility.

  • Ensuring all initiative services are CUSTOMER DESIRED and developed with GENUINE AND CLOSE ASSOCIATION of relevant stakeholders. The ONLY exception may be where stakeholders alignment cannot be achieved due innovation or for experimentation.

  • Ensure innovate, experimentation and risk taking encourage to achieve (for own needs or for advice to government and effort).

  • EPB will use current / world class management tools and techniques and Information Technology (IT) or EDP (Electronic Data Processing) for organizational efficiency in all that it wishes to do or achieve (such as HR management, Finance and Accounting management, Project Management, Procurement Management, Process engineering, TQM (Total Quality Management) and CI (Continuous Improvement) etc.

  • EPB will as far as is possible undertake Measurement of Success on the principle that “What gets done is what is measured”

  • EPB will ensure Transparency and Discipline in all its activities and recognize merit ass the only basis of adoption of option.

  • As opposed to fire fighting, every effort will be made to Institutionalized the core activities and services of EPB’s Export Facilitation efforts, Policies, Regulations, Advisory etc, without loosing flexibility and responsiveness to sudden challenges and change.


  1. Enhance world market shares of the Core Product Categories via
    1.1   Increased penetration of our best performing Categories in the top 10 respective countries.

    1.2   Selectively increase the top penetration of the Core Product Categories in the Next top 10 countries.

    Core Categories

    Other Core Categories

    ü        Textile Garments

    ü                    Rice

    ü        Raw Cotton Yarn (All Types)

    ü                    Leather / Products

    ü        Fabrics

    ü                    Sports Goods

    ü        Garments

    ü                    Carpets and Wool

    ü        Made Ups (Excluding Towel)

    ü                    Surgical Instruments

    ü        Towels

    ü                    Petroleum Products

    ü        Art Silk and Synthetic Textiles


  2. Value addition:
    Pursue enhancement of manufacturing and marketing capabilities and efficiencies with a view to achieve value addition and increased competitive strength for our Core Product Categories.

  3. Export Diversification:
    Pursue with national alignment and focussed resource application, selected Developmental export opportunities where Pakistan currently enjoys, or can achieve, a strong competitive edge. The identified Categories are:

    Developmental Categories:

    ü    Fisheries.

    ü    Poultry

    ü    Fruit, Vegetables & Wheat.

    ü    I.T - Software & Services

    ü    Marble & Granite.

    ü    Gems & Jewelry

    ü    Engineering goods.

    ü    Chemicals

    ü    Healthcare

    ü    General Services.

  4. Geographic Expansion:
    Pursue in the less explored Geography, exports of our Core Products Categories and Services and any other, but significant opportunities. The geographic areas identified are:

    ü    Africa.

    ü    South America.

    ü    Eastern Europe.

    ü    Central Asian Republics.

    ü    Oceania (Australia/New Zealand).


  5. Women Entrepreneurship:
    To energise the Women Entrepreneurship in support of developing and realizing Pakistan's export capabilities and potential, and enhance overall economic value addition.

  6. Traditional partner Countries:
    Bilateral Trade Enhancement would be achieved with countries where Pakistan traditionally/potentially enjoys close relationships.

  7. Leverage International Trade Blocks / Agreements:
    Enhance market access based on proactive and innovative management of current or emerging world economic / trading blocks and bilateral trading arrangements.
Enablers For the successful implementation, the following enablers need to be ensured and or strengthened:
  1. Export Culture:
    It is essential that national alignment of all stakeholders be ensured to the need for an aggressive national drive, a quantum leap in exports and also the Export Strategy and the availability of an enabling environment. An 'Export Hype' needs to be created to ensure the desired mindset and action by all stakeholders. The acronym HYPE stands for

    H   Hyper-sensitivity to exports
    Y   Yes, 'can do' approach
    P   Profitable
    E   E-Commerce & Government

    It is vital in the context of the above that any regulatory, environmental and social impediments to exports be ruthlessly demolished.

  2. Marketing Support:
    An extremely vital enabler. Majority of our exporters are presently weak in the marketing management abilities and the financial/human resources required for aggressive market share enhancement and product and geographical diversification. Due need of up front investment of funds, SME exporters are shy to invest. It is essential that professional and financial help be provided by the government in partnership with the exporters, for aggressive international promotions, distribution and gaining access to new customers and markets.

  3. Pakistan's Business Image:
    It is recognized that all countries have their strengths and weaknesses. Success depends upon efficient capitalization of Strengths and management of Weaknesses to provide an honest and positive business image. It is also recognized that image management has to be professionally achieved for best results.

  4. Human Resources and Skill/Technology Support:
    In alignment with the strategic product, geographic needs and international trading regulations, the skills, training/technical facilities be enhanced amongst all stakeholders especially the exporters, Pakistan's Missions and that Export Promotion Bureau, financial institutions and SMEDA.

  5. Supply Chain Management:
    To develop the on-shore capacity to produce the right quality at internationally competitive prices, based on customer needs, the supply chain needs to be closely examined by our entrepreneurs, in close collaboration with the government; bottlenecks need to be removed and infrastructure strengthened. This would include the use of state-of-art technology and manufacturing process development.

  6. Quality. Social and Environment Management:
    Culture of 'TQM' (Total Quality Management) and 'CI' (Continuous Improvement) needs to be inculcated and embedded in support of Quality, Social and Environmental opportunities. This should aim to achieve world class levels progressively and meet international standards and specifications as a minimum. Appropriate regulatory framework, quality and social management processes such as ISO/SA certifications and a transparent efficient judicial process needs to be in support.

  7. Foreign Direct Investment and Finance:
    Foreign Direct Investment needs to be strongly encouraged to strengthen our exporters management expertise, technological and infrastructural support, competitive edge and market access.

    Transparent access to finance will be vital for the desired significant increase in exports. Sufficient access at internationally competitive mark ups would need to be ensured, especially for the value adding and Developmental Product Categories.

  8. Exchange Rate:
    Careful management of the exchange rate would be required to provide the exporters a level playing field with international competition.

  9. Small & Medium Enterprise Development:
    On a medium term basis, the success of Pakistan's exports must heavily rely on the strength of our Small and Medium size exporters. EPB in alignment with the supply chain management efforts of SMEDA, must help enhance the exporting and marketing capacity of the SMEs inclusive of adequate finance through the relevant financial institution i.e. State Bank, SBFC, RDFC and other DFI's.

  10. Export Promotion Bureau:


    Main Purpose

    This Division will manage the Human Resource, administration, Book Keeping and Finance of EPB including the accounts of EMDF. In addition to financial management, the Division will carry out Internal Control and Management Audit. Assets management including the management of Karachi Expo Centre (KEC) will also be the responsibility of this Division.


    Main Purpose

    Export Promotion Bureau can only be kept together, vibrant aligned, confident and unidirectional by effective communications vertically and horizontally, amongst all its employees and stakeholders as appropriate. The benefits of services provided by EPB (and therefore export enhancement) can only flow to its customers if they know what these are how to benefit from these. Reinforcement of these services and confidence amongst stakeholders/customers can only be achieved if they know of the success stories. Awareness of what Pakistan offer to prospective customers is the first step to export development especially in the developmental categories and geography. Effective presentation of the Pakistan environment provides confidence to importers. Communications Director is therefore, the voice, eyes and ears of EPB.


    At the outset it may be clarified that this division is not a resource for developing exports of IT services and/or software; nor indeed for evaluation of proposals relating to development of software exports, or the provision of export facilitation services which may be IT or EDP based such as Fax-on-Demand, or the e-mail receipts etc. Having said that, it may be called upon to contribute for any specialist technology needs in the above or related context in an advisory capacity.

    Main Purpose

    IT and Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Division will provide tools and techniques which are not an end in themselves, help EPB do what it wishes to do in a more effective accurate, faster way. Indeed to do things that manually are not even possible with sensible human resource deployment. This is also the main purpose of the IT Division in EPB.


    Main Purpose

    Textile quota management and Regulatory control of exports are vital and sensitive functions of the EPE. As the only organization with direct contact with exporters and regulatory authorities it must also play an active and proactive role in helping create the most favorable exporting environment.

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